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小师姐大电影 2023-08-31 22:05:11
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一个外国电影木瓜 2023-08-31 22:04:55


发布时间: 2022-09-07 18:20:47

㈠ talk dirty中英歌词 jason derulo的

Jason, ha ha

Jason Derulo…/杰森·德鲁罗


Get jazzy on me /让我嗨起来吧

I’m the flight that you get on, international /我飞翔旅行 你也跟着上 畅游国际
First class seat on my lap girl
/第一课 就是坐在我腿上吧 女孩
Riding comfortable, cause I know what the girl them need
/坐的自在点 因为我知道所有女孩们的需求
New york to Haiti, I got lipstick stamps for my passport /纽约到海地 有个口红印 吻在我的护照上
You make it hard to leave /你让我难分难舍呀

Been around the world, dont speak the language
/玩遍世界 不用语言沟通
But your booty dont need explaining
/而你那欲火的身躯 也不需要解释
All I really need to understand is when you,you talk dirty to me /而我只需要理解的是 你,你想要对我咬咬耳朵

Talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me /暗示着我,咬咬耳朵,咬耳朵呀
Get jazzy on me /在我身上嗨起来吧!

You know the worst in my songs, no habla ingles
/你知道我最烂的歌曲 就有如不是在说英语
Our conversation aint no, but you know what is /我们的对话语无伦次 但你还是知道在说啥

I know what that girl them wants, london to Taiwan /我知道女孩们想要什么 伦敦到台湾

I got lipstick stamps for my passport, I think I need a new one
/有个口红印 吻在我的护照上 我想 应该该换一本了

Been around the world, dont speak the language
/玩遍世界 不用语言沟通
But your booty dont need explaining
/而你那欲火的身躯 也不需要解释
All I really need to understand is when you,you talk dirty to me /而我只需要理解的是 你,你想要对我咬咬耳朵
Talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me /暗示着我,咬咬耳朵,咬耳朵呀
UNO, met a friend in rio
 /第一 见个朋友 在里约
DOS, she was all on me-oh
/第二 这马子就是我的
TRES, we can make now a trio /第三 我们可以来演个三重奏
CUATRO, oh…. /第四 噢....

[2 Chainz]

Been around the world, dont speak the language
/玩遍世界 不用语言沟通
But your booty dont need explaining
/而你那欲火的身躯 也不需要解释
All I really need to understand is when you,you talk dirty to me /而我只需要理解的是 你,你想要对我咬咬耳朵
Talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me /暗示着我,咬咬耳朵,咬耳朵呀
Get jazzy on me /在我身上嗨起来吧!

㈡ talkdirtytome什么意思


㈢ dirty talk是什么意思

“Dirty Talk”直接翻译过来就是“脏话”,意思倒也没错,可总少了英文里那些只可意会的调情味道。“粗口”更是粗俗,只能让人想到骂娘。Dirty Talk带着那么点挑逗的俚俗。让人一听就羞红了脸,表面上“呸”一声骂他无耻,私下里却早就春潮涌动。
例句: Save your dirty talk for the gross man.你把你恶心的话留给那个粗俗的男人吧。
1 dirty talk也是一种沟通,一种床上使用的特殊语言艺术。在DT中,爱侣毫无保留地向对方展示内心那些最原始,最波动,深深掩藏在心里只有对方能看的幻想,不带任何羞耻与顾虑地赞美与呼唤对方——这是爱人之间的交流,是最亲密的拥抱,不是单方面的征服与侮辱。
2dirty talk 只是撕去人类社会那些衣冠楚楚的规则,将最肉欲赤裸的单词看着恋人的眼睛说出来。它是脑海内动物性的一部分,抛弃道德的藩篱,直白地告诉对方:“我想要你,就在现在。”

㈣ dirty talk是什么意思


脏话 ; 说脏话 ; 红棕色 金属光泽 ; 肉渣 ; 粗口 ; 情色对话 ; 尝试在床上多发出点声音 ; 下流话


㈤ Talk Dirty的中英歌词

I'm that flight that you get on, international
我飞翔旅行 你也跟着上 畅游国际
First class seat on my lap, girl, riding comfortable
头等舱坐在我腿上吧 女孩
Cause I know what da girl dem need
坐的自在点 因为我知道所有女孩们的需求
New York to Haiti
I got lipstick stamps on my passport, make it hard to leave
我的护照上有口红印 你使我很难离开
Been around the world, don't speak the language
玩遍世界 不用语言沟通
But your booty don't need explaining
而你那欲火的身躯 也不需要解释
All I really need to understand is when you
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Get jazzy on me
You know the words to my songs, no habla Inglés
你知道最糟糕的歌 不是英语歌
Our conversations ain't long, but you know what is
我们谈话没有持续很长时间 但你知道我们说了什么
I know what the girl dem want
London to Taiwan
I got lipstick stamps on my passport, I think I need a new one
有口红印的护照 我想我需要一个新的护照
Been around the world, don't speak the language
玩遍世界 不用语言沟通
But your booty don't need explaining
而你那欲火的身躯 也不需要解释
All I really need to understand is when you
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Uno: met a friend in Rio
第一 见个朋友 在里约
Dos: she was all on me-o
第二 这马子就是我的
Tres: we could ménage à three-o
第三 我们可以来演个三重奏
Dos Cadenas, close to genius
第四 噢 是个天才
Sold out arenas, you can suck my penis
卖了唱片 你可以跟我在一起缠绵了
Gilbert Arenas, guns on deck
吉尔伯特·阿里内斯 枪支在甲板上
Chest to chest, tongue on neck
胸部对着胸部 舌头吻着脖子
International oral sex
Every picture I take, I pose a threat
Bought a jet, what do you expect?
买了一个飞机 你希望的是什么
Her pussy so good I bought her a pet
她的猫咪那么好 我给她买了一只宠物
Anyway, every day I'm trying to get to it
不管怎样 每一天我想得到它
Got her saved in my phone under Big Booty
把它保存在我的电话里 当做我最大的战利品
Anyway, every day I'm trying to get to it
不管怎样 每一天我想得到它
Got her saved in my phone under Big Booty
把它保存在我的电话里 当做我最大的战利品
Been around the world, don't speak the language
玩遍世界 不用语言沟通
But your booty don't need explaining
而你那欲火的身躯 也不需要解释
All I really need to understand is when you
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Get jazzy on me

㈥ 哪位大神有《Poison - Talk Dirty To me》无损音乐百度云网盘




㈦ talk+dirty+to+me和talk+dirty两首歌的区别

摘要 您好,感谢您使用网络知道,这边为您分配最好的解答方案,这里是这道题由我来回答~我这边正在为您查询,请稍等下哈~消息正在查阅可能有点不能及时回复请您稍等亲亲~[鲜花][鲜花][鲜花]

㈧ Talk Dirty to Me 英文歌词的中文翻译 求教英语高手

Talk Dirty To Me 跟我讲脏话吧(实在是非常不好意思地说 有些外国人在做爱的时候 喜欢他们的搭档 骂脏话)

You know I never 你知道我从来都没有
I never seen you look so good 我从没见你像这样漂亮过 (这两句话要一起看 意思是 你知道我从来都没见你像这样漂亮过)
You never act the way you should 但是你从来都不做你应该做的(意思就是你从不走你应该走的路)
But I like it 但是我喜欢
And I know you like it too 我知道你也喜欢
The way that I want you 就是那样想要你
I gotta have you 我要得到你
Oh yes, I do 是的,我要
You know I never 你从来来都不知道
I never ever stay out late 我从不在外面呆到很晚
You know that I can hardly wait 你知道我在勉强的等待着
Just to see you 就是为了能见你
And I know you cannot wait 我知道你不能等
Wait to see me too 也等着要见我(这两句话要和起来看 意思就是我也知道你等着要见我 分开看 意思不对)
I gotta touch you 我要抚模你
Chorus: (不好意思地说 下边这一段是讲一对情侣 在车里“那个”)
Cause baby we'll be 因为宝贝我们会
At the drive-in 在不用下车的电影院里(美国有这样的电影院)
In the old man's Ford 在这老男人的 Ford车里(Ford是美国一车的品牌)
behind the bushes 在树丛后
till I'm screamin' for more 直到我大叫着要求更多
Down the basement 下到地下室
lock the cellar door 锁上地下室的门
And baby 然后 宝贝
Talk dirty to me 跟我讲脏话(实在是非常不好意思地说 有些外国人在做爱的时候 喜欢他们的搭档 骂脏话)
You know I call you 你知道我给你打电话
I call you on the telephone 我用电话给你打电话(第一个电话指的不是手机是座机)
I'm only hoping that you're home 我只是希望你能在家
So I can hear you 然后我便能听到你(的声音)
When you say those words to me 当你跟我说那些字的时候
And whisper so softly 很温柔的,低声地说着
I gotta hear you 我能听到你
C.C. pick up that guitar and talk to me cc(一个人名)拿起了吉他然后跟我说
Solo, Chorus out 独唱,Chorus 出局(Chorus 那个人的名字)