1. 小红帽的台词是什么
《小红帽》剧本人物:A 小红帽B 奶奶C 猎人D 老狼E 妈妈F 兔子 剧本正文(妈妈上场)妈妈:我的女儿小红帽,聪明可爱又灵巧,今天奶奶生病了,我让她去瞧一瞧。小红帽,路上要小心!(小红帽上场)小红帽:我是小红帽,去把奶奶瞧,妈妈叮嘱我,路上别乱跑。风光多么好,真想瞧一瞧,可惜时间少,赶快往前跑。(小红帽下场)(奶奶上场)奶奶:我的孙女小红帽,今天她要把我瞧,怎么现在还不来,等得我呀真心焦。(奶奶下场)(猎人上场)猎人:我是英雄孙斯达,除恶安良把狼杀。人人夸我本领大,禽兽蛇虫都怕它!(举起猎枪)(猎人下场)(大灰狼上场)大灰狼:我是超级大灰狼,专门害人坏心肠,三天没有吃东西,饿得心里直发慌。我要找点东西尝一尝!(大灰狼下场)(小白兔上场)小白兔:我是小白兔,就在森林住,如果有危险,我就会帮助。(小红帽上场)(小红帽唱歌)大灰狼上场:喂,你好!小红帽:你是谁?大灰狼:我,我,我是你叔叔!小红帽:我没有叔叔呀!大灰狼:我,我是你远房的叔叔!哎哎哎,我还知道你叫什么?你叫玛丽!小红帽:不对,不对!大灰狼:你叫罗斯!小红帽:不对,不对!我叫小红帽,我要去看奶奶。大灰狼:我早就知道,故意逗你的,哎,我还知道你带着东西!对吧?(大灰狼转过身,自言自语)噢,我要先去把她奶奶吃掉,再来吃小红帽!(大灰狼对小红帽说)小红帽,我先走了,再见!(大灰狼下场)小红帽:哦,对了,妈妈叮嘱我,不要和陌生人说话,真是不应该。我赶紧到奶奶家去。(小白兔上场)小红帽,刚才和你说话的是大灰狼,我看它向您奶奶家方向跑去,我们快去看看。(小红帽、小白兔一起下场)(奶奶上场)奶奶:小红帽怎么还没有来,是不是路上又贪玩?真让我心焦呀!(大灰狼上场,敲门)咚!咚!咚!奶奶:是谁啊?是小红帽吗?(大灰狼捏着嗓子)大灰狼:奶奶,我是小红帽。妈妈让我来看您,我还给您带了礼物!奶奶:你进来吧。(大灰狼进去,绑架奶奶)哈哈哈哈,我是大灰狼,我要把你绑起来,等抓住小红帽一起吃!(大灰狼下场,小红帽上场)小红帽:奶奶,奶奶,妈妈让我来看您。(小红帽推门进去,发现奶奶被绑架,大叫)快来人啊!快来人啊!(小红帽跑,大灰狼追,上下台两次)(大灰狼抓住小红帽)小红帽大喊:救命小白兔大喊:快来人啊,大灰狼要吃人了!猎人匆匆跑上场,手中端着猎枪:大灰狼,你又在害人,这次你可逃不掉了,吃我一枪!
大灰狼慌忙逃跑,猎人举枪瞄准射击。(猎人扣扳机,扔弹壳,大灰狼惨叫倒地)(猎人救起奶奶,小红帽、奶奶,小白兔围着猎人,感谢猎人的救命之恩。)小红帽、奶奶,小白兔:谢谢你!猎人,谢谢,谢谢! 猎人:不用谢!(一起鞠躬,下场)
2. 小红帽的故事的精彩片段
“小红帽”的故事版本多达一百多个。小红帽最早的结局是被邪恶的野狼吞噬。后来,在格林兄弟笔下,勇敢的猎人杀死大野狼,救出了小红帽。在晚近的版本中,又成了小红帽用剪刀剪破大野狼的肚皮,自己拯救了自己。在某些版本中,小红帽甚至成为充满情欲的性感女郎……这些不同版本,映射的是不同历史时期的价值取向。 小红帽是德国童话作家格林的童话《小红帽》中的人物。
从前有个人见人爱的小姑娘,喜欢戴着祖母送给她的一顶红色天鹅绒的帽子,于是大家就叫她小红帽。有一天,母亲叫她给外婆送食物,并嘱咐她不要离开大路,走得太远。小红帽在森林中遇见了狼,她从未见过狼,也不知道狼性残忍,于是把来森林中的目的告诉了狼。狼知道后诱骗小红帽去采野花,自己跑到林中小屋去把小红帽的外婆吃了。并装成外婆,等小红帽来找外婆时,狼一口把她吃掉了。后来一个猎人把小红帽和外婆从狼肚里救了出来。 后来人们就用小红帽来比喻天真幼稚、容易上当受骗的孩子。
从前有个可爱的小姑娘,谁见了都喜欢,但最喜欢她的是她的外婆,简直是她要什么就给她什么。一次,外婆送给小姑娘一顶用丝绒做的小红帽,戴在她的头上正好合适。从此,姑娘再也不愿意戴任何别的帽子,于是大家便叫她“小红帽”。 一天,妈妈对小红帽说:“来,小红帽,这里有一块蛋糕和一瓶葡萄酒,快给 Q版小红帽
外婆送去,外婆生病了,身子很虚弱,吃了这些就会好一些的。趁着现在天还没有黑,赶紧动身吧。在路上要好好走,不要跑,也不要离开大路,否则你会摔跤的,那样外婆就什么也吃不上了。到外婆家的时候,别忘了说‘早上好’,也不要一进屋就东瞧西瞅。” “我会小心的。”小红帽对妈妈说,并且还和妈妈拉手作保证。 外婆住在村子外面的森林里,离小红帽家有很长一段路。小红帽刚走进森林就碰到了一条狼。小红帽不知道狼是坏家伙,所以一点也不怕它。 “你好,小红帽,”狼说。 “谢谢你,狼先生。” “小红帽,这么早要到哪里去呀?” “我要到外婆家去。” “你那围裙下面有什么呀?” “蛋糕和葡萄酒。昨天我们家烤了一些蛋糕,可怜的外婆生了病,要吃一些好东西才能恢复过来。” “你外婆住在哪里呀,小红帽?” “进了林子还有一段路呢。她的房子就在三棵大橡树下,低处围着核桃树篱笆。你一定知道的。”小红帽说。 狼在心中盘算着:“这小东西细皮嫩肉的,味道肯定比那老太婆要好。我要讲究一下策略,让她俩都逃不出我的手心。”于是它陪着小红帽走了一会儿,然后说:“小红帽,你看周围这些花多么美丽啊!干吗不回头看一看呢?还有这些小鸟,它们唱得多么动听啊!你大概根本没有听到吧?林子里的一切多么美好啊,而你却只管往前走,就像是去上学一样。” 小红帽抬起头来,看到阳光在树木间来回跳荡,美丽的鲜花在四周开放,便想:“也许我该摘一把鲜花给奶奶,让她高兴高兴。现在天色还早,我不会去迟的。”她于是离开大路,走进林子去采花。她每采下一朵花,总觉得前面还有更美丽的花朵,便又向前走去,结果一直走到了林子深处。 就在此时,狼却直接跑到外婆家,敲了敲门。 “是谁呀?” “是小红帽。”狼回答,“我给你送蛋糕和葡萄酒来了。快开门哪。” “你拉一下门栓就行了,”外婆大声说,“我身上没有力气,起不来。” 狼刚拉起门栓,那门就开了。狼二话没说就冲到外婆的床前,把外婆吞进了肚子。然后她穿上外婆的衣服,戴上她的帽子,躺在床上,还拉上了帘子。 可这时小红帽还在跑来跑去地采花。直到采了许多许多,她都拿不了,她才想起外婆,重新上路去外婆家。 看到外婆家的屋门敞开着,她感到很奇怪。她一走进屋子就有一种异样的感觉,心中便想:“天哪!平常我那么喜欢来外婆家,今天怎么这样害怕?”她大声叫道:“早上好!”,可是没有听到回答。她走到床前拉开帘子,只见外婆躺在床上,帽子拉得低低的,把脸都遮住了,样子非常奇怪。 “哎,外婆,”她说,“你的耳朵怎么这样大呀?” “为了更好地听你说话呀,乖乖。” “可是外婆,你的眼睛怎么这样大呀?”小红帽又问。 “为了更清楚地看你呀,乖乖。” “外婆,你的手怎么这样大呀?” “可以更好地抱着你呀。” “外婆,你的嘴巴怎么大得很吓人呀?” “可以一口把你吃掉呀!” 狼刚把话说完,就从床上跳起来,把小红帽吞进了肚子,狼满足了食欲之后便重新躺到床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。一位猎人碰巧从屋前走过,心想:“这老太太鼾打得好响啊!我要进去看看她是不是出什么事了。”猎人进了屋,来到床前时却发现躺在那里的竟是狼。 “你这老坏蛋,我找了你这么久,真没想到在这里找到你!”他说。他正准备向狼开枪,突然又想到,这狼很可能把外婆吞进了肚子,外婆也许还活着。猎人就没有开枪,而是操起一把剪刀,动手把呼呼大睡的狼的肚子剪了开来。他刚剪了两下,就看到了红色的小帽子。他又剪了两下,小姑娘便跳了出来,叫道:“真把我吓坏了!狼肚子里黑漆漆的。”接着,外婆也活着出来了,只是有点喘不过气来。小红帽赶紧跑去搬来几块大石头,塞进狼的肚子。狼醒来之后想逃走,可是那些石头太重了,它刚站起来就跌到在地,摔死了。 三个人高兴极了。猎人剥下狼皮,回家去了;奶奶吃了小红帽带来的蛋糕和葡萄酒,精神好多了;而小红帽却在想:“要是妈妈不允许,我一辈子也不独自离开大路,跑进森林了。” 人们还说,小红帽后来又有一次把蛋糕送给外婆,而且在路上又有一只狼跟她搭话,想骗她离开大路。可小红帽这次提高了警惕,头也不回地向前走。她告诉外婆她碰到了狼,那家伙嘴上虽然对她说“你好”,眼睛里却露着凶光,要不是在大路上,它准把她给吃了。 “那么,”外婆说,“我们把门关紧,不让它进来。”不一会儿,狼真的一面敲着门一面叫道:“外婆,快开门呀。我是小红帽,给你送蛋糕来了。”但是她们既不说话,也不开门。这长着灰毛的家伙围着房子转了两三圈,最后跳上屋顶,打算等小红帽在傍晚回家时偷偷跟在她的后面,趁天黑把她吃掉。可外婆看穿了这家伙的坏心思。她想起屋子前有一个大石头槽子,便对小姑娘说:“小红帽,把桶拿来。我昨天做了一些香肠,提些煮香肠的水去倒进石头槽里。”小红帽提了很多很多水,把那个大石头槽子装得满满的。香肠的气味飘进了狼的鼻孔,它使劲地用鼻子闻呀闻,并且朝下张望着,到最后把脖子伸得太长了,身子开始往下滑。它从屋顶上滑了下来,正好落在大石槽中,淹死了。小红帽高高兴兴地回了家,从此再也没有谁伤害过她。[1]
3. 求Hoodwinked(小红帽)电影的台词(英文的)急!
The Wolf: [receiving a lit stick of dynamite] What kind of candles are those?
Twitchy: [pointing at writing on dynamite] Dee-na-mee-tay. Must be Italian.
Nicky Flippers: Why do they call you Red?
Red: They call me red because I wear this red hood.
Nicky Flippers: What about when you're not wearing the hood?
Red: [pause] I usually wear it.
The Woodsman: What the Schnitzel?
Granny: Honey, don't look at your granny like that.
Red: I'm sorry, I thought you were Triple G. Or are you the Bandit?
Det. Bill Stork: Aw-Kward!
[awkwardly side slips out of the room]
Granny: You're being ridiculous Red.
Red: I'm being ridiculous? You're off living... La Vida Loca, risking your life for some mb thrills, and I'm supposed to stay home and be your happy little delivery girl?
Tommy: I have a...
Nicky Flippers: Coffee break, anyone?
Chief Grizzly: Uh, yeah
Det. Bill Stork: Whose got my keys?
Raccoon Jerry: You think granny would mind if i went through her garbage?
Chief Grizzly: Excuse us.
Granny: I thought you were happy.
Red: Open your eyes. I've never even been outside of the forest. Don't you think I'd want more than that?
Granny: Of course you do. You're a Puckett.
Red: [sighs] I don't know what that means anymore
Nicky Flippers: What do you do for a living, Mr. Wolf?
The Wolf: I'm a shepherd.
[last lines]
Red: Mr. Flippers!
Nicky Flippers: I see you all got my message. Glad you could make it.
Granny: What's going on?
Nicky Flippers: Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come and work for me? I could use some fresh talent like you.
The Wolf: What kind of work are we talking about?
Nicky Flippers: You'd be under cover, on impossible missions, to far away places. There's a lot of stories out there that need a happy ending. I'm part of a secret organization that makes sure that happens.
Red: "Happily Ever After Agency"?
Nicky Flippers: The woods don't go 'round by themselves.
Twitchy: [talking very fast] Yeah! Alright! Okay we fight the bad guys, we ride the ski boats, climb the walls, and swing the windows secret agent style. Right! Yeah!
Nicky Flippers: So what do you think?
Granny: Bring it honey!
Red: I always did like happy endings.
Red: Who are you ?
The Wolf: I'm your grandma.
Red: Your face looks really weird, granny.
The Wolf: I've been sick, I... uh...
Red: Your mouth doesn't move when you talk.
The Wolf: Plastic surgery. Grandma's had a little work done.
Red: [about the medallion she found in Granny's drawer] Huh? What's this?
Granny: Oh, it says "World's Greatest Grandma".
Red: Grandma, I can read. It says "Battle of the Iron Cage Gladiators".
Granny: It's true, I'm not like other grannies. I never did like the quilting bees and the bingo parlors. I'd rather live life to the EXTREME!
Nicky Flippers: It would seem that all of you came together tonight by mistake.
[walks past dog typing notes]
Nicky Flippers: Maybe you naughty neighbors butted heads so we could get to the real truth.
The Wolf: The Goody Bandit
Nicky Flippers: That's right. The Bandit's still at large. There's been a lot of finger pointing tonight, but now all fingers point to the Bandit.
The Woodsman: Not my finger!
[quickly puts index finger in mouth and starts sucking it]
Nicky Flippers: Oh no, you were just out damaging forest property, cutting down the redwoods we all call home.
[the Woodsman starts spluttering]
Nicky Flippers: Big guy like you, you could probably take whatever you want from little goody-loving creatures, couldn't you?
The Woodsman: But someone robbed me! Have we lost track of that?
Nicky Flippers: Thats right, someone did. Maybe a snack food competitor. Right Granny?
Granny: Now hold on a pea-picking minute! I may lead a double life full of secrets and deception, but that's no reason to be suspicious.
The Woodsman: Huh?
Nicky Flippers: A woman like you could have a lot to gain stealing all those recipes.
Chief Grizzly: And that's how she makes her goodies so good! Eh?
Nicky Flippers: Or she could just be another victim... of a hungry Wolf
The Wolf: Ah, the wolf did it. Talk about profiling.
Nicky Flippers: Why should we trust someone who wears disguises for a living?
Chief Grizzly: Maybe he's not a wolf at all!
The Wolf: You got me. I'm a poodle. I just haven't been to the barbershop in a long time.
Chief Grizzly: Is this all just a big joke to you?
The Wolf: I just followed the girl here.
Granny: You leave my granddaughter alone!
Nicky Flippers: Yes, now we get to Little Red, the girl with the basket on the run.
[camera points to empty chair]
Nicky Flippers: Where is she anyway?
[after having his first taste of coffee and the caffeine obviously getting to him]
Twitchy: Caffeine! Yeah baby!
[Twitchy falls from sky]
The Wolf: Twitchy! You scared me!
Twitchy: [speaking very quickly] Hey boss, I called the taped-I beeped you on your beeper. Did you get my beep?
The Wolf: Twitchy, you gotta calm down.
Twitchy: [continues speaking quickly] I got up early and I got the gear I was watching the girl like you told me to, the girl in the red hood.
The Wolf: Yeah, the girl in the red hood. Did you see where she went?
Twitchy: She went past the porcupines and the red bird's tree and the guy with the long beard and now she's up the creek and she sings everywhere she goes. She's like lalalalalalalalalala...
The Wolf: Yeah, yeah, I'm way ahead of you. we gotta find out who she's working for. You got the camera?
Twitchy: The 220x and a photograb with autofocus. Ooo, look at that - come with a 500 millimeter lens. You want the color or black and white?
The Wolf: Doesn't matter.
Twitchy: I brought a flash!
[takes a picture]
The Wolf: Will you put that away? It's covert. No flash!
Twitchy: [takes the flash off] Undercover, got it. Mmm-hm. Nobody sees, nobody knows. Click-click, heh heh!
The Wolf: [stares at Twitchy] You ever thought about decaffeinated coffee?
Twitchy: Oh, I don't drink coffee!
The Wolf: I can't believe I'm saying this but... drink up
[gives twitchy the coffee]
The Wolf: We may want to stand back.
Twitchy: [Sips coffee and his eyes buldge and he starts shaking] Yee-hoo-hoo-hoo! Wahooo! Caffeine! Yeah baby! Whoa!
The Wolf: Go get 'em boy.
[Twitchy takes off and bounces all over the place]
The Wolf: What... have I done?
Granny: Now the rest's up to us.
The Woodsman: Can I have coffee?
Tommy: I know about houses. l built mine out of straw. I'm not an idiot.
Nicky Flippers: So! Mr. Wolf... May I call you Wolf?
The Wolf: You can call me Sheila. I like long walks and fresh flowers.
Chief Grizzly: Quit playing around, Wolf! You're looking at 3 to 5 in an old shoe with no windows, SO START SINGIN'!
Chief Grizzly: Pretty thin Wolf! You say the old lady was already tied up. How did that happen?
The Wolf: I don't know, maybe to make herself look innocent. I just write the news Chief, I don't make it.
Red: For a reporter, you sure have a strange way of doing your job.
The Wolf: What can I say? I was raised by wolves.
4. 影片《灰姑娘》经典台词
《灰姑娘是》迪士尼公司出品的剧情片,由肯尼思·布拉纳执导,影片改编自同名动画电影《灰姑娘》,剧情延续迪士尼经典动画的 故事 ——灰姑娘母亲、父亲相继去世,继母和其女儿们对她百般折磨,但灰姑娘得到魔法相助,成为王子的意中人的故事。下面给大家分享《灰姑娘》里面 经典台词 ,欢迎欣赏!
3、where there is kindness, there is goodness. and where there is goodness, there is magic。
7、kindness is free,love is free.
8、have courage, and be kind.
12、where there is kindness, there is goodness.and where there is goodness, there is magic.
每一个女孩子都曾经有这么一个灰姑娘似的梦想吧,幻想着自己可能哪一天会遇上自己的白马王子,这次这个故事以真人的形式重现在了银幕之上,而且还制作的如同那双水晶鞋般那么精致,那么耀眼。也许你在现实中还没有遇上自己的白马王子,至少,去电影院,随着ONCE UPUN A TIME的开始,去做一次梦吧。