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發布時間: 2022-06-29 01:38:07

1. 誰有電影《青蛙王子》的具體資料

英文片名: Prince Charming 中文名:青蛙王子 地區:美國 類型:科幻 / 冒險 語言:英語 片長:108分鍾 導演:埃蘭·阿庫什 主演:安德烈亞·馬丁 克里蒂斯娜·愛普爾蓋特 馬丁·肖特 上映日期:2001-03-05(美國) 2000-03-26(中國) 出 品:華特·迪士尼影業

[15]很久以前,安溫王國有一個英俊神武的白馬王子名叫約翰·安溫。為結束與洛錫王國打了長達三個世紀的戰爭,安溫國王決定讓兒子娶洛錫王國的溫格多靈公主為妻。迎娶當天,安溫王子為一妖媚女子所惑,觸犯洛錫王國刑律,被洛錫王國處以「蛙刑」。安溫王子和他的侍從諾德尼被洛錫國巫師變成兩只青蛙,扔出洛錫王宮。 可憐王宮外面寒風刺骨大雪紛飛,被巫師變成青蛙的安溫王子和諾德尼侍從,從此不再享有做人的權利,除非在滿月之日,能有尊貴的公主親吻青蛙安溫,安溫才有機會重新做人。否則,漫長歲月里安溫只能是只跳來跳去的青蛙。一個又一個滿月之日,「安溫」都惋惜地錯過了公主的親吻。安溫沒想到,這一等就是五百年。 五百年後,安溫和他的侍從被一個男孩抓進書包,帶到英國倫敦。倫敦街頭車水馬龍花團錦簇。安溫和諾德尼跳出男孩的書包,蹦到大街上險些被軋死,如果不是趕馬車的凱特姑娘停下車來,將安溫和諾德尼抓起來放到路邊的綠化帶,安溫和諾德尼可能連命都沒有了。演員瑪格因為跟男朋友米西賭氣,大膽地親吻了安溫,給了安溫和諾德尼重新做人的機會。做了五百年跳來跳去的青蛙,突然重新做人,尤其是在如此現代文明的英國倫敦做人,安溫和諾德尼起初還有些不太適應。重新找到做人的感覺,安溫沒有忘記親吻他的瑪格。 和尋找瑪格比起來,找到趕馬車的凱特畢竟要容易許多。安溫很快就找到凱特,可凱特無論如何也不相信安溫是尊貴的王子。凱特相信不相信,安溫都以王子自居。在凱特的幫助下,安溫很快找到瑪格。只有在重新做人的五天之內與瑪格結婚,安溫才會永遠做人,否則命運還會讓他成為一隻青蛙。 向瑪格求愛的過程充滿喜劇性,也充滿戲劇性。當安溫王子在諾德尼和劇組負責人塞瑞德的幫助下,即將與瑪格攜手走進婚姻殿堂的那一刻,安溫發現凱特才是自己的痴心愛人。因為反悔,安溫又變成一隻青蛙。凱特姑娘感激的一吻,讓「安溫」再次做人。幸福的時刻終於來臨,安溫和他的「凱特公主」,諾德尼和塞瑞德、瑪格和米西從此同心相結恩愛永遠。

2. 香港電影青蛙王子主演都有誰





3. 急!!!求傲慢於偏見小說英文讀後感 和 迪士尼動畫電影青蛙公主的英文影評 都要英文的!謝謝大家的幫忙

Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and marriage in eighteenth-century England. It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles of pride and prejudice play a lavishing story. This story is told from third point of view.

From my perspective Jane Austen wanted to convey love wins over prejudice and to not just take in the saying of first impression but to look in the person's character deeper.

"Pride and Prejudice" the book, middle school at the time of contact before. At that time, only just seen the man's feelings of disputes between the heroine, the ups and downs of mood, people immersed in one of a few years after the re-read, do not have a flavor.
Bennet family has five daughters were not married, and Mrs. Bennet is a full vanity neurotic woman, each married daughter is her only major event in this life but never bother to discipline her daughter's behavior, and Mr. Bennet is a family of the old gentleman, but let his wife and daughter's inappropriate behavior, would rather hide in a library to find calm. Jane Bennet is the Bennet family's eldest daughter, looks beautiful, gentle temperament, quiet;白班納Elizabeth Bennet house special are two daughters, lively and generous personality, intelligence and beauty and all; three daughters Mary does not look good if the other sisters, so in character and knowledge on hard, but also caused her arrogant attitude; ranked fourth Katie flashy personality, and Mody Lydia Mei Zhong hottest dance, often impolite behavior and do not know; Mody daughter love vanity, pleasure-oriented, dancing and fighting with the officers to make fun are the sole purpose of her life. One day they moved to the nearby home of a wealthy single man, Charles Bingley, he is a gentle personality, a man is not sincere拘泥section of wealthy young people, at a banquet Bingley has戀上the Bennet family daughter Jane, and Jane Bennet mutual love; and Bingley's friend Fitzwilliam Darcy formal solemn personality, poor language often gives the impression of arrogance arrogant, likes to go to work knowing it is satisfied Special home two daughter Elizabeth, but because a Bennet family itself is not appropriate to make love by these two obstacles, one beginning Elizabeth arrogant Darcy on the bias, this is mainly to describe their relationship between the process of change.
Background of the time the book will proce a number of different notions of love: "I dare say Mr. Bingley instrumentation dignified, very gentlemanly, and agreeable, there is no artificial air拘泥Xi. Darcy immediately aroused the audience's attention, because he is massive,眉清目秀, noble manners, and he admitted less than five minutes, we all have legends have him 10,000 pounds a year income. gentlemen were praised his talent Table 1, female pin him say pretty much more than Mr. Bingley. "There is a wealth to measure a person's. Darcy and Elizabeth at the age of convergence are conservative, there is also nobility and obstacles on the civilian population; in comparison to modern such circumstances it will happen less. In my view in love is beautiful in my opinion well,兩顆心distance will not necessarily because of the near or separate physical change, youth and love, on earth are the things most likely to fade away; a woman in his life Medium can be a man deeply loved, is a kind of happy then? In other words, a woman in the life of a deeply miss the love of her man, is a kind of regret? Pride and prejudice, they belong to the human weaknesses of the two most common. And human nature are too easily distorted by the alienation, accidentally, or as soon as a blind, lose a fair and sensible, and was feeling manipulated, it will go wrong, Elizabeth and Darcy are only a representative only. And origin, property, status, ecation, once coated with the upstream edge, susceptible to arrogance on the problems of poverty, low, vulgar person瞧不上eye; and low status, property, less people, for humanity a kind of self-esteem, are biased against the pride of superiority, and this naturally is another distortion of arrogance. But "Pride and Prejudice" and another "Emma," both to the marriage of its central theme. On the book's figures are concerned, does not mean that marriage between men and women can not control the passion but the two sides with the social contract between the procts. Characters completely integrated into their social reality, in accordance with the rules of society, the story spectrum. Understand because of the marital relationship provides classes to enhance and improve opportunities for economic, financial and social status of marriage for the purpose of determining the relevant conditions. In this paper, the feminist perspective into the society to view Austin's social background, social environment to explore how it affects women in the face of marriage, the sense of anxiety and struggle. Feminists on the society, the physical environment for women to shape the awareness of the determinants of marriage. In fact, marriage, the novel figures are concerned, as a class exchange and economic exchange market. Marry in order to achieve the objective of good female characters put themselves into commercial procts, to demonstrate its appearance and talent, attracting the male gaze. This period the value of women by the society to encourage, to use their femininity to win a marriage partner. However, Austin's female characters in the face of choice of marriage partner of a marriage often unconscious anxiety. Love is a main line, however, marriage and love still have differences, that one of honest men and women missing from the main character too. It is for this reason that makes disturbed heroine.
People are always prejudiced, arrogant Mr. Darcy, insolent look well into Elizabeth's mind, coupled with the cheater Wickham clever use of its own capacity, as well as one of flattery to pay "pleasing" appearance, fascinated Elizabeth kept for their own grievances scrubbing, libelous Darcy. There is no denying that Wickham long a handsome face, the surface is also mounted on a very "gentleman." Elizabeth made fully trust the rhetoric of Wickham, probably at the age of Elizabeth has great relevance, even if she was the most sensible daughter home, after all, young people are for a good or bad, only a superficial look. Are probably the most important Lizzy too care about her image in the eyes of others, she does not want the eyes of others it appears that she is an ignorance and vanity, and there was no ecated woman, she is only a kind of time in not willing to do the fittings of a just a woman, she would like to partner with them in mind on resonance, with regard to the character of the people asking for more than the requirements of wealth, it is to be applauded, after all, are at there is a love of money ecation of the mother grew up. But for such a mother, she felt a sense of inferiority, would in the face of Wickham's lies, the blind trust that the "high" Darcy is a despicable person, so that their sense of inferiority in front of him at the time of the heart to be freed . But fortunately these are not Elizabeth's really blindfolded.
Pride and Prejudice, heroine in the book are male love on the obstacles, but in reality is the people communicate with each other obstacles, but more are in the correct attitude towards themselves, towards things up a stumbling block. Defects in people too much, first of all hearts are on the trap. In order to life into a career, whether it is knowledge, ecation, or love, career, have required their own hearts with all the shallow traps or floating shadow struggle to do, after all kinds of misunderstandings and a lengthy iterative process of cognition, slow slow by the mind to overcome their weaknesses and faults, and towards an open, free and easy, the inevitable result of Freedom.擾擾earth, life is not easy; the vast human sea, couples rarely seen. However, there is not to just love people get married, as long as Integrity, integrity, the pursuit of virtue, do not relax to the heart of hi, not negligence, Money coveting a moment's pleasure, the pursuit of harmony between mind, the corresponding use their intelligence to overcome the disadvantage spiritual, eventually have to do. Get along with people and between people there will always be some small friction, and these frictions, it is often hidden in their inner weaknesses or defects in other people want and be able to more enjoyable life, we must first understand their own shortcomings, and refining its stand him, followed by the others know the heart, and then each other in depth with each other, so that you will find that every single person on society, things are so beautiful, bright, and further inspire you deep inside Department touching, exert their own expertise to help this society, this country, the world service, after all, my door is the head of all things, if the intentions are no longer around to care about people, and not to pay their own hand, then also Who to go to achieve this task? So from now on, we should own the original problems have to be removed and replaced by a new self, new future for the hard right

4. 美國電影青蛙王子


5. 一個大青蛙在沙漠狂奔的視頻是什麼電影裡面的

