⑴ 布拉德皮特是什麼臉型
布拉德皮特是尖臉,窄額頭。布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt),1963年12月18日出生於美國俄克拉何馬州,美國電影演員、製片人。1987年,皮特以臨時演員的身份參加了他的第一部電影《無主地》的拍攝。1993年,皮特出演《加州殺手》,並憑此片獲得威尼斯電影節最佳男演員獎。1995年,皮特出演《十二隻猴子》,並憑借片中的表演獲得了奧斯卡最佳男配角獎的提名。2002年,布拉德·皮特創立了B計劃影業 。2005年,皮特與安吉麗娜·朱莉合作了《史密斯夫婦》,兩人相戀。
⑵ 布拉德皮特演過哪些電影
《迷失z城》(the lost city of z)
2012 《柯根的交易》cogan's trade
2012 《important artifacts》
2011 《錢與球》或譯《點球成金》 (moneyball
2011 《快樂的大腳2》(voice)
2010 《超級大壞蛋》(megamind)
2010 《生命之樹》(tree of life)
2010 《chad schmidt》
2009 《無恥混蛋》(inglorious bastards)
2008 《骯臟伎倆》(dirty tricks)
2008 《閱後即焚》(burn after reading)
2007 《十三羅漢》(ocean's thirteen)
2007 《the assassination of jesse james》
2006 《通天塔》(babel)
2005 《史密斯夫婦》(mr.and mrs smith)2004 《十二羅漢》(ocean's twelve)
2004 《特洛伊》(troy)
2003 《辛巴達七海傳奇》(sinbad legend of the seven seas
2001 《墨西哥人》( the mexican)
2001 《十一羅漢》(ocean's eleven)
2001 《間諜游戲》(spy game)
2000 《偷拐搶騙》(snatch)
1999 《搏擊俱樂部》(fight club)
1998 《第六感生死戀》\meet joe black
1997 《再見艷陽天》(the dark side of the sun)
1997 《沉睡者》(sleepers)
1997 與魔鬼共行\the devil's own
1995 《七宗罪》(seven)
1995 《十二猴子》(12 monkeys)
1994 《初戀情人》(the favor)
1994 《燃情歲月》(或譯《秋日傳奇》)(legends of the fall)
1994 《夜訪吸血鬼》(或譯《吸血迷情》)(interview with the vampire)
1993 《加州殺手》(kalifornia)
1993 《絕命大煞星》(true romance)
1992 《夢幻強尼》(johnny suede)
1992 《大河戀》(a river runs through it)
1992 《美女闖天關》(cool world)
1991 《田徑雙雄》(across the tracks)
1991 《末路狂花》(thelma and louis)
1990 《輝煌歲月》(glory days)
1990 《早逝》(too young to die)
1988 《下課後》(cutting class)
1987 《無主地》(no man's land
⑶ 求 無主之地 百度網盤免費資源下載鏈接,謝謝
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/13_7WQSJgTnAjuLYPLkbxcw
⑷ 那裡能找到電影「無主地帶」
這個電影又叫 上帝之城
⑸ 英語高手進
We have seen Smith and his wife. It is the actor Brad Pitt. He has a golden hair and a pair of clear blue eyes, always with a charming smile, is a fully-fledged film "David", has become one of Hollywood's most box-office appeal of the sexy idol generation .
Pitt in 1987 took part in his first film, "terra nullius" (No Man's Land) of the shooting, when he was only a temporary cast. In 1988 the first film starring "after Nang" (Cutting Class).
In 1991, Pitt women in the films "Thelma & Louise" (Thelma and Louis) in the free-rider appeared in a sexy, young male role, appeared less than 15 minutes, but the first full display of its sexy faces and solid The abdominal muscles, so I fame, and Hollywood has finally attracted the attention of the female audience.
Pitt starred in succession the "Love River" (A River Runs Through It), "California killer" (Kalifornia), "Interview with the Vampire" (Interview with the Vampire), "The Legend of autumn" (Legends of the Fall), "7 Crime "(Seven)," Fight Club "(Fight Club), and so many acclaimed films.
Brad Pitt's self evaluation "although he thinks he is a good actor, but do not feel as good an actor." At a time when the most popular ones can still keep a clear head, we have reason to look forward to, smart handsome Brad Pitt in the future we will be able to bring the audience more surprises.
⑹ 《無主之地3》滿級是72級嗎
無主之地是由2K Games發行的一款RPG風格的射擊游戲,游戲以第一人稱呈現,視覺體驗超級棒。到目前為止,已經發行了五部,包含了《無知之地:前傳》、《無主之地:傳說》、《無主之地》、《無主之地2》、《無主之地3》。
⑺ 那位朋友有《無主地帶》這部電影的牒,或者那裡有賣的!謝謝!電話83252416
⑻ brad pitt的所有電影
2012 《Important Artifacts》
2012 《柯根的交易》Cogan's Trade
2012 《迷失Z城》(The Lost City of Z)
2011 《快樂的大腳2》(voice)
2011 《錢與球》或譯《點球成金》 (Moneyball
2010 《Chad Schmidt》
2010 《生命之樹》(Tree of Life)
2010 《超級大壞蛋》(Megamind)
2009 《無恥混蛋》(Inglorious Bastards)
2008 《骯臟伎倆》(Dirty Tricks)
2008 《本傑明·巴頓奇事》
2008 《閱後即焚》(Burn After Reading)
2007 《The Assassination of Jesse James》
2007 《十三羅漢》(Ocean's Thirteen)
2006 《通天塔》(Babel)
2005 《史密斯夫婦》(Mr.and Mrs Smith)
2004 《十二羅漢》(Ocean's Twelve)
2004 《特洛伊》(Troy)
2003 《辛巴達七海傳奇》(Sinbad Legend Of The Seven Seas
2001 《墨西哥人》( The Mexican)
2001 《十一羅漢》(Ocean's Eleven)
2001 《間諜游戲》(Spy Game)
2000 《偷拐搶騙》(Snatch)
1999 《搏擊俱樂部》(Fight Club)
1998 《第六感生死戀》\Meet Joe Black
1997 《再見艷陽天》(The Dark Side of the Sun)
1997 《沉睡者》(Sleepers)
1997 與魔鬼共行\The Devil's Own
1995 《十二猴子》(12 Monkeys)
1995 《七宗罪》(Seven)
1994 《初戀情人》(The Favor)
1994 《燃情歲月》(或譯《秋日傳奇》)(Legends of the Fall)
1994 《夜訪吸血鬼》(或譯《吸血迷情》)(Interview with the Vampire)
1993 《絕命大煞星》(True Romance)
1993 《加州殺手》(Kalifornia)
1992 《夢幻強尼》(Johnny Suede)
1992 《大河戀》(A River Runs Through It)
1992 《美女闖天關》(Cool World)
1991 《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis)
1991 《田徑雙雄》(Across The Tracks)
1990 《早逝》(Too Young To Die)
1990 《輝煌歲月》(Glory Days)
1988 《下課後》(Cutting Class)
1987 《無主地》(No Man's Land)
⑼ 布拉德皮特的電影有哪些