Ⅰ 開學的第一堂影視欣賞課,放什麼電影
科幻 / 劇情
演員: 趙威霖 高天 王蕊 唐恬 管珂
導演: 傅闈瑋 慕琦
Ⅱ 開學第一課的電影
教育部要求全國中小學生共上《開學第一課》 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年08月28日16:28 CCTV2 教育部日前向全國的中小學校發文通知,要求全國各地學校組織學生和家長收看將於9月1日央視經濟頻道播出的《開學第一課》「知識守護生命」節目。教育部8月26日發表了名為《教育部辦公廳關於啟動2008年中小學弘揚和培育民族精神月活動和開展安全教育活動的通知》。通知指出:「教育部與中央電視台聯合舉辦了「知識守護生命」大型公益活動,並邀請奧運冠軍、著名學者和社會知名人士製作了有關中小學安全教育的特別節目《開學第一課》,將於9月1日18:55至20:55在中央電視台經濟頻道(CCTV-2)播出,請各地中小學告知學生和家長收看,寄宿制學校可組織學生收看。各地各校可錄制後在校內播放。」《開學第一課》「知識守護生命」大型公益活動中央電視台經濟頻道舉辦的一次大型公益活動,以生命意識教育為主題,倡議全國的中小學學生每年每學期都進行應急避險教育;這一特殊的一堂課由「潛能」、「團隊」、「堅持」「生命」四節課完美結構,國家體育總局舉摔柔運動管理中心主任馬文廣率領陳燮霞、張湘祥、劉春紅等8個奧運冠軍,籃球運動管理中心副主任胡加時帶領姚明、易建聯、王治郅等中國籃球隊隊員、以及女子帆板冠軍殷劍,和來自災區的孩子們一起,通過互動、講述等寓教於樂的形式,將奧運精神和抗災精神緊密結合,讓應急避險教育深入人心。據介紹,《開學第一課》不僅是給孩子們必須要上的課,也是全民都要補上的「一堂課」。它將奧林匹克精神與中華民族的抗震救災精神完美的結合,通過對學生進行「避險自救」知識教育,教會學生掌握避災的常識和技巧,真正「用知識守護生命」。教育部相關負責人稱,《開學第一課》是「中小學弘揚和培育民族精神月」啟動活動和開展好安全教育活動的不可或缺的項目,也是全國中小學新學期加強學生安全教育工作必須要上的第一課。來源: http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2008-08-28/162816190619.shtml
Ⅲ 求《速度與激情5》和《雷神》《X戰警外傳:第一堂課》的高清中文字幕的電影種子,一定要英語配音的。
O(∩_∩)O~ 網上目前要素有高清的電影院都該關門大吉了。我發給你的 不素高清的,但素是DVD版的,可以看。等高清出來你再收藏。
Ⅳ 開學第一堂課觀後感
第四部分:升華主題 + 扣題
Ⅳ 一節課能看完的電影
Ⅵ 求一部電影的名字,這部電影部分情節是這樣的。一群青年在一個機構里訓練,第一堂課就是晚上睡的時候突然
Ⅶ 求電影哈利波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒裡面特里勞妮教授第一節課的時候那些台詞,要英文,必須一字不差。
Professor Trelawney:Welcome, my children.In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future.This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you.What do you see? The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds.First, you must look beyond.
HG:What a load of rubbish.
R:Where did you come from?
HG:Me?I've been here all this time.
T:You, boy! Is your grandmother quiet well?
Neville:I think so.
T:I wouldn't be so sure of that.Give me the cup.Pity.Broaden your minds.Your aura is pulsing, dear.Are you in the beyond? I think you are.
T:Look at the cup.Tell me what you see.
R: Harry's got sort of a wonky cross -- that's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So you're gonna suffer,but you're gonna be happy about it.
T:Give me the cup.Oh, my dear boy.My dear,you have the Grim.
Seamus:The Grin? What's the Grin?
P:Not the grin, you idiot. The Grim.
Lavender:Taking form of a giant spectral dog.It is among the darkest omens in our world. It is an omen...of death.'
R:You don't think that Grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black?
HG:Oh, honestly, Ron.If you ask me, Divination's a wooly discipline.Now Ancient Runes.That's a fascinating subject.
R:Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking?
HG:A fair few.
R:Hang on. That's not possible. Ancient Runes is in the same time as Divination. You have to be in two classes at once.
HG:Don't be silly. How could anyone be in two classes at once? " Broaden your minds. Use your lnner Eye to see the future."
T:Broaden your minds.You must look beyond.The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the lnner Eye.Only then can you see. Try again.Now, what do we have here?
HG:Do you mind me trying?The Grim, possibly.
T:My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class.I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No, you see, there.You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled as an old maid's,your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave. Have I said something?
R:She's gone mental, Hermione has.Not that she wasn't always mental,but now it's in the open for everyone to see.
H:Hang on.We better take this back.
R:I'm not going back.Fine.
H:See you later.
R:See you. Harry Potter....
H:Professor Trelawney--
T:He will return tonight.
T:Tonight, he who betrayed his friends,whose heart rots with murder shall break free.Innocent blood shall be spilt and servant and master shall be reunited once more.I'm so sorry, dear boy.Did you say something?
Ⅷ 我忘了是哪個最近一年電影裡面看到的了 一個片段裡面講的一位大學教授在給大一新生上第一節課的
Ⅸ 關於電影《8節課》
這是美國影片 勇敢的心 里的背景音樂 你應該看過 梅爾 吉普森主演的 這段旋律在片中反復出現過多次