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小師姐大電影 2023-08-31 22:05:11
十大禁播韓國電影 2023-08-31 22:05:02
一個外國電影木瓜 2023-08-31 22:04:55


發布時間: 2022-06-23 00:16:45

A. 《小公主》


小公主 A Little Princess (1995)

片長: 97分鍾

演員 及所有工作人員
1 Liesel Matthews ..... Sara Crewe
2 Eleanor Bron ..... Miss Minchin
3 Liam Cunningham ..... Capt. Crewe/Prince Rama
4 Rusty Schwimmer ..... Amelia Minchin
5 Arthur Malet ..... Charles Randolph
6 Vanessa Lee Chester ..... Becky
7 Errol Sitahal ..... Ram Dass
8 Heather DeLoach ..... Ermengarde
9 Taylor Fry ..... Lavinia
10 Darcie Bradford ..... Jesse
11 Rachael Bella ..... Betsy
12 Alexandra Rea-Baum ..... Gertrude
13 卡米拉·貝勒 / Camilla Belle ..... Jane
14 Lauren Blumenfeld ..... Rosemary
15 Kelsey Mulrooney ..... Lottie
16 Kaitlin Cullum ..... Ruth
17 Alison Moir ..... Princess Sita
18 Time Winters ..... Frances (milkman)
19 Lomax Study ..... Monsieur Dufarge
20 Vincent Schiavelli ..... Mr. Barrow
21 Pushpa Rawal ..... Maya
22 Rahi Azizi ..... Laki
23 Ken Palmer ..... John Randolph
24 Helen Greenberg ..... Flower lady
25 Norman Merrill ..... Doctor in hospital
26 Peggy Miley ..... Mabel (cook)
27 Robert P. Cohen ..... Ermengarde's father
28 Will Blomquist ..... Rich boy in street
29 David Fresco ..... Beggar man in Fantasy Forest
30 Judith Drake ..... Bakery woman
31 Chris Ellis ..... Policeman
32 Jonás Cuarón ..... Chimney-sweeper (uncredited)
33 Sandeep Walia ..... Indian servant (uncredited)
導演 director 1 阿方索·卡隆 / Alfonso Cuarón .....
編劇 writer 1 Frances Hodgson Burnett ..... (novel)
2 Richard LaGravenese ..... (screenplay) and
3 Elizabeth Chandler ..... (screenplay)
製片 procer 1 Alan C. Blomquist ..... executive procer
2 Dalisa Cohen ..... co-procer
3 Amy Ephron ..... executive procer
4 Mark Johnson ..... procer
攝影 cinematographer 1 Emmanuel Lubezki .....
剪輯 editor 1 Steven Weisberg .....
星探 casting director 1 Jill Greenberg Sands .....
造型設計 proction designer 1 Bo Welch .....
藝術指導 art director 1 Tom Duffield .....
布景設計 set decorator 1 Cheryl Carasik .....
服裝設計 costume designer 1 Judianna Makovsky .....
make-up 1 Fríea Aradóttir ..... hair stylist
2 Bonnie Clevering ..... hair stylist
3 Julie Hewett ..... makeup artist
4 Robert Norin ..... makeup artist
製片主管 proction manager 1 Robert P. Cohen ..... unit proction manager
助理導演 assistant director 1 Stephen P. Dunn ..... assistant director
2 David Fudge ..... second assistant director
3 Bo Welch ..... second unit director
藝術指導 art department 1 John Dexter ..... set designer
2 Michael Diersing ..... construction coordinator
3 Lawrence A. Hubbs ..... set designer
4 Andrew Petrotta ..... assistant property master
5 Stephanie Schwartzman ..... art department coordinator
聲效 sound crew 1 José Antonio ..... sound
2 Richard Beggs ..... sound designer
3 Richard Beggs ..... sound re-recording mixer
4 Marty Church ..... adr mixer
5 Pud Cusack ..... boom operator
6 Ann Ducommun ..... assistant sound editor
7 Michael Herbick ..... sound re-recording mixer
8 Tom Meadows ..... sound mixer
9 Bob Newlan ..... supervising sound editor
10 Ken S. Polk ..... sound re-recording mixer
11 Roy Prendergast ..... supervising music editor
12 Donald Sylvester ..... foley editor
13 Hugo Weng ..... sound editor
14 Danny van Spreuwel ..... sound re-recording mixer: Dutch version
特效 special effects 1 Matt Farell ..... technical director
2 Alan E. Lorimer ..... special effects
特技表演 stunt performer 1 Kathy Brock ..... stunt performer
2 Charles Croughwell ..... stunt coordinator
3 Joe Finnegan ..... stunt performer
4 Svetla Krasteva ..... stunt performer
5 Lee Poppie ..... stunt performer
6 Scott Sproule ..... stunt performer
作曲 composer 1 Patrick Doyle .....

◎簡 介



《小公主》是世界著名兒童文學作家 F·H·伯內特夫人的經典名作,多次被改拍成電影,由秀蘭·鄧波兒主演,在我們的童年記憶里,應該都有這部電影

. [the amnesiac Capt Crewe comes across Sara crying in a corner of a darkened room]
Capt. Crewe:What is it? Why are you crying? Please tell me. I won't hurt you. Won't you tell me your name?
Sara Crewe:[sobbing] Sara.
Capt. Crewe:'Sara'... that's such a pretty name.
Sara Crewe:[there is a flash of lightening, and the lights suddenly come back on] Papa...?
Capt. Crewe:What did you say?
[she runs to him, and he tries to hold her away]
Capt. Crewe:I'm sorry...
Sara Crewe:Papa, it's me! It's Sara!
Capt. Crewe:Do you know me?
Sara Crewe:Papa, don't you remember me? Papa, please! You've got to know me! It's Sara, remember? Remember India and Maya? Remember the Ramayana... and Emily? And the locket with Mama's picture?
Capt. Crewe:[still struggling to push her away] No...
Sara Crewe:Papa, please!
Charles Randolph:[Mr Randolph arrives with Miss Minchin and the police] Do you know this man?
Sara Crewe:Papa, tell them!
Miss Minchin:[recognizes Captain Crewe] This child has no father. Take her away!
Sara Crewe:[a police man tears Sara away and carries her, kicking and screaming, from the room] No! No! Papa!
Capt. Crewe:I'm so sorry...
2. [the girls have woken up to find the attic beautifully redecorated and a breakfast of sausages, muffins and fruit awaiting them]
Sara Crewe:Look! Just what we ordered!
Becky:I'm a little scared about all of this...
Sara Crewe:Me too. Do you think we shouldn't eat it?
Becky:I'm not that scared!

3. Sara Crewe:Don't cry, Becky.
Becky:I'm scared. If Michin throws me out, I got no place to go
Sara Crewe:That's not true. I'm here with you. I've always thought of us as sisters.
Becky:You have?
Sara Crewe:Let's make a promise right now: to always look out for each other.
Becky:It's a promise.

4. [Randolph and his servant are at a military hospital, where Randolph has discovered that the amnesiac soldier there is not his son John]
Charles Randolph:All the hoping... you must think me a fool.
Ram Dass:Is it your wish to be wise, sahib?
Charles Randolph:I don't know. I suppose a wise man wouldn't have come here at all.
Ram Dass:But if he had, he would have looked more closely upon the soldier's face.
Charles Randolph:And what would he have seen?
Ram Dass:Pain, sahib. He needs to be cared for.
Charles Randolph:He's not my responsiblity.
Ram Dass:A wise man would remember that this soldier was in John's regiment. If his memory returns... he might tell sahib what happened to his son. Perhaps sahib would learn that John is in British hospital now wishing a kind man would take him home... away from his pain.

5. [Sara just met her new doll, Emily]
Capt. Crewe:You know, dolls make the very best friends. Just because they can't speak doesn't mean they don't listen. And did you know that when we leave them alone in our room, they come to life?
Sara Crewe:They do?
Capt. Crewe:Yes! But before we walk in and catch them, they return to their place as quick as lightning!
Sara Crewe:Why don't they come to life in front of us so we can see them?
Capt. Crewe:Because it's magic. Magic has to be believed. It's the only way it's real.

6. Miss Minchin:Sara,this is Monsieur Dufarge. You will begin French lessons with him this afternoon.
Sara Crewe:Do I have to?
Miss Minchin:Sara! You most certainly do! Now apologize to Monsieur this instant for your rudeness!
Sara Crewe:But I didn't mean to be rude.
Miss Minchin:[shouts] Now!
[Sara says three sentences entirely in French. Monsieur Dufarge looks at her through his monicle impressed]
Monsieur Dufarge:This child doesn't need to learn French, she practically *is* French! Says she learned it from her father.
Miss Minchin:I understood perfectly well what she said, Monsieur.
Sara Crewe:I'm sorry, but we tried to tell you.
Monsieur Dufarge:Well, perhaps she can tutor the younger children, and she might just be able to help you with your pronunciation, Miss Minchin.

7. [at Sara's birthday party, Sara blows out the candles on her cake]
Lottie:[happily jumping up and down] I want a big piece!
Lavinia:[sarcastically] Oh hush up, Lottie! I'm sure Princess Sara will give everyone a fair share. Right, Princess?
Lottie:[to Sara] I told her that's what you were.
Sara Crewe:Well, not just me, all girls are princesses. Even snotty, two-face bullies like you, Lavinia!

8. Becky:Sara... why don't you tell your stories anymore?
Sara Crewe:They're just make-believe. They don't mean anything.
Becky:Oh, but they've always meant something to me. There were days I thought I would die, until I heard you talk about the magic.
Sara Crewe:There is no magic, Becky.

9. [Captain Crewe has just presented his young daughter with a doll named Emily]
Capt. Crewe:Whenever you're afraid, or miss me terribly... just tell Emily. And she'll get the message to me, wherever I am. And I'll send one back right away... so that when you hug her... you'll really be getting a hug from me.
Sara Crewe:...It's alright, Papa. I'm going to be fine.

10. Sara Crewe:Papa? Maya told me that all girls are princesses.
Capt. Crewe:Maya... is a very wise woman.
Sara Crewe:Then it's true?
Capt. Crewe:You can be anything you want to be, my love, as long as you believe.
Sara Crewe:What do you believe?
Capt. Crewe:I believe that you are... and always will be... my little princess.

11. Miss Minchin:Don't tell me you still fancy yourself a princess? Child, look around you! Or better yet, look in the mirror.
Sara Crewe:I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you that? Didn't he?

12. [Sara is tracing her father's face with her finger]
Capt. Crewe:What are you doing? Memorizing me by heart?
Sara Crewe:No... I already know you by heart.

13. Rich Boy in Street:Here, little girl.

B. 一個外國電影里有個小女孩叫薩若

電影《小公主》 A Little Princess (1995)
導演:阿方索·卡隆 Alfonso Cuarón

C. 電影小公主里的台詞

Sara:I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us.……(我是公主,每個女孩都是公主。即使她們住在破舊狹窄的閣樓里,即使她們衣衫襤褸,即使她們不漂亮,不聰明,不再年輕。她們仍然是公主,我們都是……)
The difference between the child and the alt is that some believe in the make-believe, and the other don't.

D. 有一部外國電影,小公主躺在小船上漂到了巫婆那裡,巫婆給公主吃巧克力,類似白雪公主的故事,電影名稱


E. 小公主精彩片段感悟


F. 急尋《小公主》的目錄和精彩片段!!

對於這些夢有沒有留戀之感呢?應該說是有的。人到了老年,往往喜愛回憶往事。古今中外,概莫能外。我當然也不能成為例外。英國人常說什麼「往日的可愛的時肖」。實有會於我心。往日的時光,回憶起來,確實感到美妙可愛。「當時只道是尋常」,然而一經回憶,卻往往覺得美妙無比,回味無窮。我現在就經常陷入往事的回憶中。 目錄:

書摘回到頂部↑第一章 薩拉

G. 《小公主蘇菲亞》中有哪些令你印象深刻的片段


H. 小公主1995電影百度雲







I. 電影《小公主》英文對白

回答者:aurora2014 - 魔法師 四級 5-7 12:37

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