❶ 一個外國片,穿越到現在,第一集是一個騎白馬沒頭手拿斧子的殺人狂,求電影名子
無頭騎士。一部美國影片, 由蒂姆·波頓導演,約翰尼·德普主演。影片講述紐約一個青年警察伊察博,接受了一個前往偏僻小鎮調查命案的任務。在突破心結後終於追查出案件真相的故事。
❷ 求一部外國電影 講的是一個個小鎮上有個無頭騎士 一群年輕人來到這個小鎮 最後好像是這群人
❸ 《無頭騎士》電影內容
如果你確定英文名字是headless horseman,那這是一部根本不值得看的大爛片 7個大學生走捷徑來參加派對,不幸地,她們最後去了Wormwood鎮,那是一個不知道在甚麼地方的「迷失」 的鎮。那裡氣氛古怪而邪惡,大街上有古怪和骨頭的裝飾。當地有個傳說,100年前的萬聖節前夕,一個瘋狂男子折磨鎮上的年青人,砍下她們的腦袋,居民為報復而砍掉瘋子的腦袋。每隔7年,他就會回來報復,會砍下7個年青人的頭,現在無頭騎士以大學生們為目標,會逐一殺死她們。 真正的好電影無頭騎士是這部 斷頭谷 Sleepy Hollow 編劇: Andrew Kevin Walker 導演: Tim Burton 主演: Johnny Depp / Christina Ricci / Miranda Richardson / Michael Gambon / Casper Van Dien 製片國家/地區: 德國 / 美國 上映日期: 1999-11-17 >更多 語言: 英語 / 拉丁語 又名: 無頭騎士 / 無頭睡谷 / 睡谷傳奇 / 寂靜山谷 imdb鏈接: tt0162661 劇情簡介 ······ 十八世紀末期的紐約,警察們還延用古老的辦案方式,對罪犯刑訊逼供,年青的警察伊卡布·克瑞恩(約翰尼·戴普 飾)篤信科學的辦案方式,因此受到市內同行的排擠,被派到一個叫斷頭谷的小鎮辦理一起連環兇殺案。 斷頭谷一直流傳著關於「無頭騎士」的傳說,據說,他是因為嗜血而戰的黑森林僱傭軍,被敵人割去頭顱後,他的孤魂一直在斷頭谷游盪,在月黑風高之夜,他會騎著快馬、 拿著大斧將經過此地的行人的頭顱割下。兩個月內,小鎮中已經三個人慘遭毒手。 克瑞恩住進了當地富豪范塔索(邁克爾·甘伯恩 飾)家中,他對「無頭騎士」的傳說不以為然,但是,又有人接二連三的死去,他還親眼目睹了「無頭騎士」砍掉小鎮治安官的頭顱,他不得不相信傳說的存在,也堅定了要查出真相的決心。 經過一番調查,克瑞恩將疑點放在了范塔索身上,同時,他和范塔索的女兒卡翠娜(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 飾)剛剛萌芽的愛情也被殘酷的... (展開全部) 十八世紀末期的紐約,警察們還延用古老的辦案方式,對罪犯刑訊逼供,年青的警察伊卡布·克瑞恩(約翰尼·戴普 飾)篤信科學的辦案方式,因此受到市內同行的排擠,被派到一個叫斷頭谷的小鎮辦理一起連環兇殺案。 斷頭谷一直流傳著關於「無頭騎士」的傳說,據說,他是因為嗜血而戰的黑森林僱傭軍,被敵人割去頭顱後,他的孤魂一直在斷頭谷游盪,在月黑風高之夜,他會騎著快馬、 拿著大斧將經過此地的行人的頭顱割下。兩個月內,小鎮中已經三個人慘遭毒手。 克瑞恩住進了當地富豪范塔索(邁克爾·甘伯恩 飾)家中,他對「無頭騎士」的傳說不以為然,但是,又有人接二連三的死去,他還親眼目睹了「無頭騎士」砍掉小鎮治安官的頭顱,他不得不相信傳說的存在,也堅定了要查出真相的決心。 經過一番調查,克瑞恩將疑點放在了范塔索身上,同時,他和范塔索的女兒卡翠娜(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 飾)剛剛萌芽的愛情也被殘酷的現實所摧毀。 就在克瑞恩以為一切真相大白,黯然神傷中准備離開斷頭谷時,事情發生了意想不到的變化…… 追問: 恩是Sleepy Hollow 這部 headless horseman 這部電影為什麼這么多版本的 回答: 我猜你問的也應該是Sleepy Hollow headless horseman沒有很多版本,這個英譯的影片只有一部,但是幾乎沒什麼人看,因為根本就是個忽悠人的片,但是因為Sleepy Hollow 很出名,中文譯名為無頭騎士,所以會有人把他的英文名誤認為是headless horseman 補充: imdb的劇情內容 In 1799, New York City police constable Ichabod Crane is dispatched by his superiors to the Hudson Highlands hamlet of Sleepy Hollow, to investigate a series of brutal slayings in which the victims have been found beheaded. A frequent user of new, though so far unproven investigative techniques such as finger-printing and autopsies, Crane arrives in Sleepy Hollow armed with his bag of scientific tools only to be informed by the town's elders that the murderer is not of flesh and blood, rather a headless supernatural warrior from beyond the grave who rides at night on a massive black steed. Crane does not believe them and begins his own investigation, until he comes face to "face" with the Headless Horseman. Boarding a room at the home of the town's richest family, the Van Tassels, Crane develops an attraction to their daughter, the mysterious Katrina, even as he is plagued by nightmares of his mother's horrific torture under his zealous preacher father when he was a child. Delving further into the mystery with the aid of the orphaned Young Masbeth, whose father was a victim of the Horseman, Crane discovers within the Western Woods both the Horseman's entry point between this world and the beyond, the gnarled Tree of the Dead with the heads of his victims within, and his grave. Ichabod discovers the horsemans skull is missing. The horsemen comes out of the tree and rides into town, taking two more victims. As the horseman leaves the house, It passes ichabod without killing him. Brom arrives and shoots at him; still the horseman doesnt try to kill him or brom. Brom finnaly pulls out a sword and els with him, and the horseman finnaly kills brom. This prompts Crane to realise that someone must be using the skull to control the Horseman rather than the Horseman committing these murders of his own accord. Although evidence is briefly revealed suggesting that Katrina is the villain, Crane uncovers a murky plot revolving around revenge and land rights with the Horseman controlled by Katrina's stepmother, Lady Van Tassel, who sends the killer after her; her stepmother's family lost their land when her father died and it was given to Katrina's father, the young girl witnessing the Horseman's death and promising her soul to Satan if he would allow her to control the Horseman to avenge her family. Following a fight in the local windmill and a stagecoach chase through the woods, Crane eventually thwarts Lady Van Tassel by returning the skull to the Horseman, who regains his head and goes back to Hell along with Lady Van Tassel. With His job in Sleepy Hollow completed, Crane returns to New York with Katrina and Young Masbeth, just in time for the new century.
❹ 外國電影 裡面有個穿黑衣沒有頭的人,騎著白馬,影片的名字叫什麼