當前位置:首頁 » 外國影視 » 外國電影介紹製作ppt
小師姐大電影 2023-08-31 22:05:11
十大禁播韓國電影 2023-08-31 22:05:02
一個外國電影木瓜 2023-08-31 22:04:55


發布時間: 2022-11-22 09:13:51

1. 我要做一個PPT,介紹一個導演或者一部影片,要國外的,誰提點意見或者提供一點線索吧~


2. 介紹電影的ppt怎麼做


3. 我要做一個英文的PPT誰能介紹一部【比較有深度的電影】

阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump Forrest Gump is a 1994 American drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom and the name of the title character of both. The film was a huge commercial success, earning US$677 million worldwide ring its theatrical run making it the top grossing film in North America released that year. The film garnered a total of 13 Academy Award nominations, of which it won six, including Best Picture, Best Visual Effects, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis), and Best Actor (Tom Hanks). The film tells the story of a man with an IQ of 75 and his epic journey through life, meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture and experiencing first-hand historic events while being largely unaware of their significance, e to his lower than average intelligence. The film differs substantially from the book on which it was based. Plot The film begins with a feather falling to the feet of Forrest Gump who is sitting at a bus stop in Savannah, Georgia. Forrest picks up the feather and puts it in the book Curious George, then tells the story of his life to a woman seated next to him. The listeners at the bus stop change regularly throughout his narration, each showing a different attitude ranging from disbelief and indifference to rapt veneration. On his first day of school, his mother had sex with the principal to get him into the school despite his low I.Q., and he meets a girl named Jenny, whose life is followed in parallel to Forrest's at times. Having discarded his leg braces, his ability to run at lightning speed gets him into college on a football scholarship, where he plays for legendary Alabama head coach Paul "Bear" Bryant; ring this time, he was also chosen as a member of the All-American Football Team and he was invited to meet P 查看更多答案>>

4. 介紹一個電影的PPT

利用PowerPoint 2000輕松製作課件 多媒體課件已經越來越廣泛地應用在現代化教育中,許多教師可能覺得課件製作的難度比較高。其實PowerPoint 2000是一個很方便的課件製作軟體,方便大家製作出集文字、圖表、圖像、聲音及視頻剪輯為一體的演示幻燈片。由於PowerPoint還提供了所見即所得的幻燈片放映效果,所以可以很容易地在屏幕上編輯演示文稿。本文以實例介紹如何用Power Point來製作幻燈片。 基礎篇—了解新建演示文稿的方法 單擊「開始」菜單,點擊「程序」中的PowerPoint 2000應用程序即可啟動PowerPoint2000。這時我們就會看到(如圖1)新建演示文稿的選擇界面。這里提供了新建演示文稿的三種方法:內容提示向導、設計模板、空演示文稿。這三種生成演示文稿的方法可以說各有千秋,下面讓大家了解用這些方法新建演示文稿的步驟。 1.內容提示向導 利用內容提示向導的提示操作可引導你一步一步地快速創建一整套專業化演示文稿。這是製作一個新演示文稿最容易的方法。選擇「內容提示向導」,你只需要選定一個演示文稿的主題,然後按照向導中的提示操作,PowerPoint會打開一份示例演示文稿。您可以在示例文本中添加自己的文本或圖片。如果該示例演示文稿不能符合您的要求,也可以很方便地添加或刪除幻燈片,添加圖片或所需的其他項目。完成後,請單擊「文件」菜單上的「保存」,命名演示文稿,然後單擊「保存」。 圖1 2.設計模板 選擇「設計模板」,選擇好所需的模板,您就可以在預先設計好的基本框架上添加自己的文本或圖片。我們也可以自定義各幻燈片的版式,在各個幻燈片上鍵入標題和任意內容。完成後,請單擊「文件」菜單上的「保存」,命名演示文稿,然後單擊「保存」。 3.空演示文稿 如果您想按照自己的思路創建演示文稿,那麼就選擇空演示文稿。空演示文稿允許您從一個空白頁面來展開創意,PowerPoint將不提供任何設計元素或建議。選擇空演示文稿後,為標題幻燈片選擇所需的版式。然後在標題幻燈片上鍵入標題以及要添加的任意內容,標題幻燈片完成後,單擊「格式」工具欄上的「常規任務」,然後單擊「新幻燈片」,對每個新幻燈片重復以上步驟,按需要修改演示文稿。完成後,單擊「文件」菜單上的「保存」,命名演示文稿,然後單擊「保存」。 入門篇—用設計模板建立演示文稿 下面筆者以如何利用設計模板方式來建立學期報 告的演示文稿為例,來介紹PowerPoint的實際應用。 1.新建演示文稿 選擇「設計模板」並單擊「確定」。這時,我們將看到 「新建演示文稿」對話框,切換到「演示文稿」。然後從「演示文稿」選項卡中選擇「主題演講」(提示:在該對話框的右框中將會出現預覽效果),單擊「確定」按鈕(如圖2)。這時,一個漂亮的幻燈片雛形已經展現在我們眼前。 2.文字錄入 圖2 在幻燈片視圖下,單擊所要修改的文本的任意位置,其周圍的淺色邊框將被較寬的斜紋邊框所取代,在方框中有一個閃爍的游標提示符,表示可以在此錄入文字。然後我們根據需要修改文字,其字體、字型大小及顏色等均由模板提供默認值,若不滿意可用滑鼠框選所要修改的文字,再選擇好字體、字型大小及顏色即可。要在佔位符外添加文字,可單擊「插入」,選擇「文本框」中的「水平」或「垂直」來實現。 如果我們想將該幻燈片的項目列表(表現為文本左側有一小圓點的項目符號)進行修改,例如添加或減少項目,也很簡單。只需在幻燈片視圖下,單擊所要修改的項目文本的任意位置,然後在所要添加的項目上一行位置按一下回車鍵,將出現一個新的項目符號,帶項目符號的文本若長度超出一行,PowerPoint 2000將會使其自動換行並對齊。如果要刪除該項目,只需將該項目中的文字全部刪除即可。 這樣第一張幻燈片就生成了,接下來我們再按同樣的方法修改下面幾張幻燈片。全部完成後,只需單擊文件菜單並選擇保存,將已經做好的演示部分保存即可。 3.改變背景 若不喜歡當前的背景,可在虛線框外單擊滑鼠右鍵,在彈出子菜單的「背景」對話框中的下拉菜單中選「填充效果」進行更改(如圖3)。 4.增減幻燈片 圖3 大家可能會覺得模板提供的幻燈片張數不能滿足您的需求。 如果想增加同樣版式的幻燈片,只需在視圖的左框中,用滑鼠點選所要復制的幻燈片圖標,這時左框中將會出現反白區域(如圖4),點擊常用工具欄上的「復制」圖標,

5. 英語課要用ppt介紹一部電影,要怎麼做













6. 有什麼可以介紹的電影 明天要用英語介紹 做PPT 謝謝了


7. 美國的電影《觸不到的戀人》英語介紹PPT

The Lake House (2006) - DVD-Rip - English

An independent-minded doctor (Sandra Bullock) who once occupied an unusual lakeside home begins exchanging love letters with its newest resident, a frustrated architect (Keanu Reeves). When they discover that they're actually living two years apart, they must try to unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary romance before it's too late.

Genres: Drama, Romance and Remake

Running Time: 1 hr. 38 min.

Release Date: June 16th, 2006 (wide)

MPAA Rating: PG for some language and a disturbing image.

Distributors: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

U.S. Box Office: $51,919,822

Starring: Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Dylan Walsh, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Christopher Plummer
Directed by: Alejandro Agresti
Proced by: Mary McLaglen, Erwin Stoff, Bruce Berman

8. 如何用PPT介紹一部電影







9. 我想用英文介紹《天下無賊》這部電影,並製作出精美並有創意的PPT,誰能幫幫我啊!


A con-team couple (Andy Lau & Rene Liu) head west after taking a city businessman for his BMW. But an encounter with a naive young carpenter travelling home with his life savings challenges their fate as thieves.

Two grifters, Wang Bo and Wang Li, a couple who've been arguing, board a train in rural China. He wants to fleece a peasant, nicknamed Dumbo for his naiveté, who's carrying 60,000 yuan and trusts everyone. She wants to protect the hick kid, an act of expiation brought on by prayer and a visit to a temple. Also on board are one of more sets of thieves, including a calculating boss and his femme fatale. The boss wants to recruit Wang Bo, and a series of contests ensue, with the potential of turning deadly. While Li guards Dumbo from Bo and the others, can she and Bo sort out their relationship? And can Dumbo's simple spirituality touch anyone else?

影片類型(Genres:): Action | Crime | Drama

Feng has traditionally proced a movie each year close to the new year, but the tone of his movie has grown darker and sadder. A World without Thieves is another example of this progression.
The story is simple, but the characters have layers, and the dialog remains classic Feng-style as ever. All performances are good to great. The villain role is set up perfectly for Ge You. The proction value is the most polished I've seen from a Feng's film. The camera work, the editing, and the music score all feel artistic and are mixed together quite well.

Feng Xiaogang has made himself the fame of making good holiday films in the past several years. Most of them achieved the purposes of making laugh and making people a happy new year.

This one is the best one in that both in the filming and proce, it has more meaning and more depth. Well, it is still not an 'art' movie. It is still just targeted for box income.

The performance of actors and actresses is OK, not too much to exceed what they are usually doing. By maintaining their perform, this movie achieve the adequate balance between a good movie (usually a heavy one) and a laughter making movie.


10. 介紹一部電影的ppt怎麼做
